Diversity is the
Resource of
Diversity Coaching
Diversity has long since taken its place in our midst – in our private lives as well as in our companies and organizations. Immigration and diverse gender identities and orientations are creating a new freedom that brings opportunities for our companies and our society. But also new communication hurdles.
Think outside your bubble
Even though often there is no malicious intention behind it, situations arise in which we discriminate against women or people with BIPoC, PoC & LGBTQIA* background. This discrimination is a result of unconsciously applied communication. The only way to overcome these hurdles is an active change of perspective, when we step out of our safe bubble to question our own privileges.
cross cultural bridges
Since 2019, I see myself as a bridge between discriminated groups and people who want to try to expose the root causes of everyday racism and discrimination through white privilege and stereotypes. My workshops and coaching sessions are tailored to companies as well as individuals who aim to eliminate conscious and unconscious discrimination from their own work environments and behavior patterns.
Awareness & Empowerment
My work is directed in both directions: Education and awareness raising on the one hand, meets empowerment and identity building on the other. Because only when women and BIPoC, PoC and LGBTQIA* members begin to recognize their otherness as a unique selling point and strength, is society able to realize the full potential of diversity.
Workshops for companies & organizations
Diversity, Empowerment & Anti-Racism
Learn to leverage the strengths of diversity by creating a corporate culture in which your employees* can realize their greatest potential. Together, we will address the misunderstandings that arise in the workplace, and ultimately uncover the infinite opportunities that diversity can create and make any modern company more successful.
My keynotes on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion provide a quick introduction to complex topics. With my empathetic and relentless style, I reach a wide range of people at different starting points – whether they have already grappled with the issues or are just beginning their journey.
Personal Coaching
Diversity & Expat
In customized coaching for women and BIPoC, PoC & LGBTQIA* people, we embark on an identity journey together with a specific goal: empowerment through identity exploration. But our identity can also be put to the test as soon as we find ourselves in a foreign environment. For this reason, I additionally support expats in finding their identity in a culturally foreign environment after moving abroad.
Workshops for companies & organizations
Diversity, Empowerment & Anti-Racism
Workshops for
& organizations
Diversity, Empowerment
& Anti-Racism
Learn to leverage the strengths of diversity by creating a corporate culture in which your employees* can realize their greatest potential. Together, we will address the misunderstandings that arise in the workplace, and ultimately uncover the infinite opportunities that diversity can create and make any modern company more successful.
My keynotes on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion provide a quick introduction to complex topics. With my empathetic and relentless style, I reach a wide range of people at different starting points – whether they have already grappled with the issues or are just beginning their journey.
Personal Coaching
Diversity & Expat
In customized coaching for women and BIPoC, PoC & LGBTQIA* people, we embark on an identity journey together with a specific goal: empowerment through identity exploration. But our identity can also be put to the test as soon as we find ourselves in a foreign environment. For this reason, I additionally support expats in finding their identity in a culturally foreign environment after moving abroad.
This is me:
Ellen WagnerAs a bilingual Diversity & Expat Coach, I support individuals and companies in their goal of extracting the greatest potential from our multicultural and diverse society. In this regard, my work addresses individuals of the BIPoC, PoC & LGBTQIA* community but also companies with a heterogeneous team structure. Together we work out an inner change through cognition, identity discovery and empowerment, thus enabling an environment in which every person can fully develop their abilities, regardless of their origin, skin color or gender identity.
This is me:
Ellen WagnerAs a bilingual Diversity & Expat Coach, I support individuals and companies in their goal of extracting the greatest potential from our multicultural and diverse society. In this regard, my work addresses individuals of the BIPoC, PoC & LGBTQIA* community but also companies with a heterogeneous team structure. Together we work out an inner change through cognition, identity discovery and empowerment, thus enabling an environment in which every person can fully develop their abilities, regardless of their origin, skin color or gender identity.
This is me: Ellen Wagner
As a bilingual Diversity & Expat Coach, I support individuals and companies in their goal of extracting the greatest potential from our multicultural and diverse society. In this regard, my work addresses individuals of the BIPoC, PoC & LGBTQIA* community but also companies with a heterogeneous team structure. Together we work out an inner change through cognition, identity discovery and empowerment, thus enabling an environment in which every person can fully develop their abilities, regardless of their origin, skin color or gender identity.
Whether you are in search of identity and would like to strengthen your own profile, need start-up help as an expat abroad, or would like to create a corporate culture in which diversity has room to flourish – in all cases, I am happy to support you on your journey. Simply contact me without obligation.
What my customers say
Land Acknowledgement
cross cultural Bridges – wagner coaching is located on the unceded territories of Lenni-Lenape peoples, who have continuously lived upon this land since time began. We recognize the historic discrimination and violence inflicted on Indigenous peoples in New Jersey and the Americas, including their forcible removal from their ancestral lands and the intentional and systematic destruction of their communities and culture. We recognize the historic discrimination and violence inflicted on Indigenous peoples in New Jersey and the Americas, including their forcible removal from their ancestral lands and the intentional and systematic destruction of their communities and culture.
Black, Indigenous and People of Color
Person of Color
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Agender, * and everyone in between