Anti-Racism Workshop –
Let’s talk about racism

„In a society, it’s not enough to be non-racist. We must be anti-racist.“
– Angela Davis

„In a society, it’s not enough to be non-racist.
We must be anti-racist.“
– Angela Davis

Currently, racism is ubiquitous in the media. For one simple reason: it is omnipresent in our lives. Sometimes it is obviously verbal or even physical, other times it uses our subconscious to sink its pinpricks deep under the skin of people with BIPoC & PoC backgrounds.

But what is racism anyway? Where does it start? Does it begin much earlier than we think, in actions that seem perfectly innocuous to us? To undermine the root causes of racism, we must question what constitutes it at its core. Yet never before have white people been so afraid to speak out on the issue.

That’s why I create a non-judgmental space in this workshop so that they can ask questions, express thoughts, approach the topic without reproach and question their own actions. The groups can also be mixed and consist of white people as well as people with BIPoC background.

Our goal is to turn this value-free space into a value-free world one day.

Target group

Introductory room for white people without racism experience, also possible for mixed groups


  • Non-judgmental introduction to the topic of racism.
  • Questioning through free expression of thoughts.
  • Deepening the understanding of the core of racism.


  • Self- and group reflection
  • Compact theory input
  • Gamification/Quizzes
  • Role plays
  • Brainstorming methods
  • Non-judgmental question round
  • Open feedback round


Upon request


In-person or
virtually via Zoom


German or English


Upon request


You would like to discuss the agenda of the workshop in advance and individualize it if necessary?