Terms of Service

1. Scope

1.1. The following general terms and conditions apply to all legal transactions between cross cultural bridges – wagner coaching LLC, 21 Kennedy Court, Princeton, NJ-08540, United States (the Coach) and consumers in the version valid at the time the contract was concluded.

1.2. These terms and conditions are deemed to have been agreed upon with the commissioning of any kind, if the client does not object to them immediately. Deviating provisions of the client will not be recognized unless they are expressly approved by the coach.

1.3. Provisions of these terms and conditions replace all previous written and verbal assurances insofar as and insofar as they conflict with them.

2. Conclusion of the contract

2.1. The presentation of the online courses, seminars and workshops on the website does not constitute an offer in the legal sense, but merely an invitation to the participating person to book the online courses, seminars and workshops and to make the coach himself a contract offer.

2.2. The participant can provide information about the online courses, seminars and workshops offered on the coach’s website and can register for the online seminar of their choice via email. After the necessary data has been completely transmitted, the participant submits a binding offer to conclude a service contract for the selected online seminar.

2.3. The offer of the participant is accepted by the coach by sending a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address given by the participant.

3. Service / coach-client relationship

3.1. The time of the coaching sessions and / or the location are determined by the coach and the customer on the basis of a mutually agreed time. The coach initiates all planned discussions. The coaching sessions last 60 minutes, unless otherwise agreed.

3.2. The coach owes the client a coaching session according to the respective description on the coach’s website. If the coaching session takes place online, the coach owes access to the online seminar room and the availability of the content there. A certain training or learning success is not owed by the coach.

3.3. Approx. One week before the start of the online session, the client receives a notification by email in which the coach provides the link to access the online session as well as an activation link required for registration.

3.4. The coach is not responsible for the creation and implementation of the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the coachee, for decisions, choices, actions and results that arise from or from the coaching relationship and its coaching calls and interactions with the coach result.

3.5. The Coach is not liable or responsible for acts or inaction or for any direct or indirect consequences of the services provided by the Coach.

3.6. Coaching is expressly not therapy and does not replace it. It cannot prevent, cure, or treat mental disorders or medical illnesses.

3.7. Coaching can affect different areas of life including work, finance, health, relationships, education and recreation. The decision on how to deal with these issues and to what extent the coaching principles are integrated into these areas are the sole responsibility of the coachee.

3.8. Coaching does not include the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and is not intended as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice from legal, medical, or other qualified professionals. It is the sole responsibility of the coachee to seek such independent professional advice if necessary. If the client is currently in the care of a psychosocial caregiver, it is recommended that the client inform the psychosocial caregiver about the type and scope of the coaching relationship agreed between the client and the coach.

4. Remuneration of the coach

4.1. The coach is entitled to a fee for their services. The individually agreed rates apply. All other fee lists or directories do not apply.

4.2. Payment terms, installment payments or special conditions are to be agreed before the start of the coaching or training and recorded in text form (email is sufficient).

4.3. The fees are to be paid by the coachee after each appointment within 5 days of invoicing without any deductions.

4.4. The current tariffs apply, which the client will be informed of separately. If rates change before this Agreement is signed and dated, the rates agreed to at the time of signing will apply.

4.5 If the Coach is unable to hold the event on the agreed date due to force majeure, illness, accident, or any other hindrance for which the Coach is not responsible, the Coach is entitled to name a substitute Coach for the date or to determine a replacement date as soon as possible Claims for damages of the coachee against the coach are excluded in these cases. If the appointment of a substitute coach or the determination of a substitute appointment is not possible in a timely manner, the Coach may also cancel appointments.

5. No-shows, requests for postponement or cancellations

5.1. The refund policy applicable to 1: 1 coaching is as follows: Each session is planned in advance. No-shows, postponement requests or cancellations that are received without adequate notification in text form (at least 48 hours) will be charged at full price as a cancellation fee for the missed session.

5.2. The refund policy for group seminars and workshops is as follows: Each seminar date is planned in advance. Failure to appear, postponement requests or cancellations received without adequate notification in text form (at least 7 days in advance) will be charged at full price as a cancellation fee for the missed seminar date. In the event of cancellation up to 6 weeks before the seminar, a processing fee of EUR 30 per person will be charged. Thereafter, the cancellation fee is 50% of the total amount.

5.3. The cancellation fee has to be paid within 5 days of invoicing without deduction.

5.4. The above payment obligation does not apply if the coachee is prevented from appearing through no fault of his / her own, e.g. in the event of an accident. In these cases, an alternative date will be agreed. Proof of no-show through no fault of your own can be requested from the coach.

5.5. Appointments that have to be canceled by the coach will not be billed to the coachee. In such a case, the coachee has no claims against the coach. This also does not owe any reasons.

6. Confidentiality of the coaching

6.1. The coach treats the coachee’s data confidentially and only provides information with regard to the content of the discussions and exercises, as well as their accompanying circumstances and the coachee’s personal circumstances with the express consent of the coachee. The written form can be dispensed with if the information is provided in the interests of the coachee and it can be assumed that the coachee will agree.

6.2. Para. 1 does not apply if the coach is obliged to pass on the data due to legal regulations, for example in the event of criminal offenses, or is obliged to provide information on an official or court order. This also applies to information provided to legal guardians, but not to information to spouses, relatives, family members, colleagues or superiors.

6.3. Para. 1 is also not applicable if personal attacks against the coach or their professional practice occur in connection with advice, training and prevention and they can relieve themselves with the use of relevant data or facts.

6.4. The coach keeps records of their performance. The coachee is entitled to inspect these records; he / she can request the surrender of these records and in this case receives a copy of the information contained there. If it is a recording of a group session, this will only be done with the express consent of all coachees.

6.5. If the coachee requests a detailed protocol of the coaching or training, the coach / trainer creates this for a fee and fee based on the actual time required from the recordings.

7. Record Retention Policy

The client acknowledges that the coach has disclosed its retention policy with regard to documents, information and data that have been acquired or passed on during the duration of the coach-coachee relationship. Such records are kept by the coach in a format chosen by the coach (printed or digital) for a period of not less than 2 years.

8. Right of withdrawal only for consumers with online coaching

If the coach and coachee do not meet in person to conclude the contract (within the framework of distance selling law), coaches who are consumers have 14 days to revoke the right in writing (e.g. letter, e-mail) without giving reasons. The withdrawal period begins on the day the contract is concluded, but not after receipt of this instruction in text form in the form of a link in the email to these terms and conditions.

To exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform the coach (cross cultural bridges – wagner coaching LLC, 21 Kennedy Court, Princeton, NJ-08540, United States, phone: +1 609 721 5341, email: mail@ellen-wagner.com) by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email) of your decision to withdraw from this contract. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your notification of exercising your right of cancellation before the cancellation period has expired.

Consequences of the withdrawal
If you cancel this contract, all payments I have received from you will be repaid immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which I received notification of your cancellation of this contract. For this repayment I use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless something else was expressly agreed with you; In no case will you be charged any fees for this repayment.

If you have requested that the services should begin during the cancellation period, you have to pay us a reasonable amount, which corresponds to the proportion of the services already provided up to the point in time at which you informed us of the exercise of the right of cancellation with regard to this contract compared to the total scope of the services provided in the contract.

9. Limited Liability

Unless expressly provided for in this agreement, the Coach makes no guarantees, promises of success, assurances or warranties of any kind, either express or tacit, with regard to the negotiated, agreed and provided coaching services. Under no circumstances is the coach liable to the customer for indirect, consequential or special damage. Regardless of any damage that the customer may incur, the entire liability of the coach under this contract and the customer’s exclusive remedy is limited to the amount that the customer of the coach under this contract for all to has actually paid for the coaching services provided, including the termination date.

10. Dispute Resolution

If a dispute arises from this agreement that cannot be mutually resolved, the client and the coach agree to try to mediate in good faith up to 30 days after notification. If the dispute cannot be resolved in this way, and in the event of legal proceedings, the prevailing party is entitled to reclaim legal and legal fees from the other party.

11. Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction and performance is the headquarters of the company cultural bridges – wagner coaching LLC if the coachee is a merchant, legal entity under public law or special fund under public law.

12. Severability Clause / Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions will continue to be in effect and enforceable. If the Court determines that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but limiting such provision makes it valid and enforceable, then that provision will be deemed written, interpreted and enforced if so limited.